I must say, there is probably no where better to shop than HK!!! I'm at day 3 right now, and will be here for many more days to come. The best of both the East and West meet here, there are no taxes, and you can get dirt cheap market scores to the most luxurious designer brands, all in once city!
After shopping for 3 days straight and hitting up 4 huge malls, and 2-3 smaller shopping centers, I've already scored several items, from clothing, to jewellery, to shoes, from affordable chain stores, local brands, and designer duds. Arggh...must pace myself before I spend all my money! Will need to take pics of my items and post them here :D I only got my adapter today at Apliu street, so I hven't bheen able to use my computer for 2 days already. I'm so gung ho about shopping that I don't even think I feel my jetlag!
Any tips for shopping and eating from local HK-ers highly appreciated!
Please check back for updates! :D